Industrial Scale Jet-in-Air Cell Sorting
Hydris is a high-throughput cell purification system integrating multiple jet-in-air droplet sorters into a single, compact clean-in-place machine.
Hydris combines the power of parallelism and advanced automation to improve the efficiency of industrial scale cell sorting processes.
Proven Reliability
Hydris has been deployed with great commercial success by STgenetics, our customer and major shareholder, for their livestock reproductive products.
Over 1000 highly automated and self-monitoring cell sorting units are in use in 50 labs around the world, many of which are in 24/7 operation environments.
Bespoke Cell Sorting Solution
Hydris is a bespoke, fully automated cell sorting solution for industrial scale cell sorting. The Hydris platform supports configurations requiring multiple lasers and up to 16 optical detection channels.
Contact us to learn how we can provide a custom solution for your industrial scale cell sorting process.